Maximo Martinez Soria


In my spare time, I like to play with different languages and technologies. These are some of the projects I've created...

  • Technologies
    TypeScript, React, Jest

    Sorting Algorithms Visualizer

    • Shows in an animated way how some of the most common sorting algorithms work.
    • Implemented 6 popular sorting algorithms: bubble, insertion, selection, quick, heap and merge sort.
  • Technologies
    React, Redux, Jest, Cypress

    Rick and Morty Archive

    • Implemented server side rendering with Express.
    • Implemented unit, integration, and end to end testing.
  • Technologies
    Node, PostgreSQL, Redis, AvaJS


    • Real-time IoT platform which allows to send data from one device to another through a MQTT server.
    • Example sending data from a temperature sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi.
  • Technologies
    Python, Pygame


    • Checkers game created with Python and Pygame.
    • AI implemented with minimax algorithm.